
Over the last 10 years, more than 3,500 families in Dorset have been supported through Dorset Families Matter to tackle issues around financial or housing insecurity, poor mental or physical health, domestic abuse, poor educational attainment, or substance misuse.
Through working closely with those affected and building supportive relationships, Dorset Council, alongside voluntary and community partners, has been able to help families build better lives for themselves.
The Ranch Xtreme is immensely proud to be able to work to support the scheme. Our Family Support Team offer a safe and positive space through Animal Assisted Interventions & Family Forestry Activities.
Nationally, the Supporting Families programme has supported over 650,000 families. And according to the UK Government, has ‘reduced the number of children on the programme entering care by 32%, reduced the number of juvenile custodial sentences by almost 40%
To find out more about the support available to families in Dorset, visit the Dorset Council website.